News Update - 101107
First off I'd like to apologise for not posting any news since the release. Basically since the release of 0.1 I've pretty much fixed most of the obvious coding bugs that I've listed on the forums. I've still got to sort out some of the cosmetic bugs such as opening doors and chimney smoke fx.
When all of that's done I'm not sure if I should make a missile launcher team or perhaps a Leman Russ, but I'm leaning toward the launcher team, feel free to post any ideas on the forum as it's a bit quiet these days. After that I'm gonna start on the Chaos faction, I've already got one building modelled and I've got a good idea of what vehicles they should get in order to counter the Imperial Guard. Their infantry will probably be pretty easy to do since I can just use the Guardsmen and chaosify them, add a little blood here sprinkle some unholy icons there.
Oh and hope you like the new website look, it's the new site for both Only War 1 and 2 now. Anyways, until next time!
Emperor Protects.
News Update - 100709
And here it is! D-day, day of days, prepare for war (hopefully). Only War 2 should now be online and ready for downloading, click the image below to download.
The mod weighs in at 56.9 MB's in a winrar zip file. You will need to have Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars in order to run the mod. (Not compatible with Kane's Wrath)
To install the mod, go to your C:\Users\Boomerang Python\Documents\Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars\mods directory and create a folder and name it OnlyWar2, then you'll need to extract the files inside the .zip file into the folder you just created (a .big file and a .skudef file).
To launch the mod you simply start up your Command and Conquer 3 DVD auto-launcher and select 'Game Browser' then go to the tab 'Mods' and it should appear in that list, now select the mod and then press the 'Launch Game' button at the bottom.
The alpha 0.1 features:
1 1v1 Map (A bridge too short) 1 Faction (Imperial Guard) 4 Units (Imperial Guardsmen, Chimeras, Hellhounds and Basilisks) 4 Buildings (Departmento Munitorum, Shrine of the Ecclesiarchy, Armamentorum, Manufactorum) NO AI (So grab a buddy if you want to try it out)
Right, maybe I should explain how the economic side of the mod works, basically what you want to do is always make sure you construct a shrine as soon as you can, because these will generate resources (or 'faith') at a steady pace for you, and that's pretty much it. Easy really.
Also I'll repeat what I said in an earlier post; keep in mind that because it's only an alpha version it will be quite buggy and all kinds of glitchy. So if anyone does take it for a spin, remember to post everything you encounter in the bug report section of the forum: Bug Report
Good luck out there, Emperor Protects.
 (Click to Download)
News Update - 100322
Hello, you unfortunate followers of a slowly developing total conversion!
I'm finally getting around to posting some actual updates today, with sparkling new pics on top of that!
The state of the mod is that it's progressing really really slowly (curse you shiny new games!), however, I've got that map done that I was working on, man.. I didn't realise the amount of time it took making urban maps.. and it's not even particularly big either (1v1 map), now I'm just gonna try slapping it ingame and see if our massive imperial guard structures will fit in the zone I left open for building placement. And then I just might release a first version of this God-Emperor forsaken mod! (probably pretty unbalanced and buggy though).
And after that we'll see where I go, probably make some easy traitor guard/chaos units and add some kind of anti-tank infantry or a Leman Russ since there's currently nothing that can kill tanks except for the grenade launcher that you can upgrade your guardsman squads with (which is temporary obviously because they shouldn't be that good at killing armour).
And also, relating to the whole resource bit of the mod I thought I might mention that we're going without tiberium (obviously), and each faction will have a different type of building that generates resources or "Faith" as is the case with the Imperial Guard's "Shrines of the Ecclesiarchy". Chaos will have some sort of mobile taint generating deployable vehicle that spreads taint around it and weakens enemies who walk on the tainted ground (if we get that far), using the tiberium growth code.
Anyways, here's the pretty pictures of the Imperial Guard UI v0.9 (still a few buttons and cameos to replace) and at the same time it also shows a bunch of Basilisks both in deployed and undeployed mode (the second picture is the latest version of the UI (notice the slight difference in the button icons for structures and stuff).
Until the next update, Emperor Protects.
 (Click Image for Larger Version)
 (Click Image for Larger Version)
Boomer's Log - 2010-02-24
I'm currently working on a simple map for the mod without any tiberium in it, but It might be a bit on the tiny side..
I've sort of balanced out the units and buildings now, however, these will require some testing obviously..
After I've finished this map I'll probably sort out a few cameos and I think that's about it before I can release a first beta version to the public.
Emperor Protects.
News Update - 080823
Yep, it's that time of the month now, news update time.
I've done loads of skinning, so we've got a bunch of things to show you this month, the months to come might be less visually beautiful in the new model department but we'll see what we can manage, we will likely be showing some more civilian props that will be in the map Cal is making right now.
At the moment I'm at hard work making new animations for the Basilisk since the original ones were completely psycho. (you have to agree that's a pretty damn good reason) And they should be done in a couple of days.
That makes the Imperial Guard basically done, in the model/texture department anyway but they still need hulks and craploads of 2D stuff sorted like a command bar and cameos.
Still can't tell you a certain date we'll be releasing our first uber-alpha version, but we're still getting there, slowly but surely. 
For now, enjoy these screenshots of the ingame Departmento Munitorum, Hellhound and Grenade Launcher guardsman.
Until next time, Emperor Protects.

News Update - 080529
Yes, yes we're still alive..
It's been like 2 months since we posted anything, but work has been done in the dark but it has been slow work, really slow, considering we have only one texture artist on the team right now and loads of models that are just waiting for a paint job, that's why I'd like to see any people interested in helping out email or pm me (you can find my email on moddb or on our forums)
Anyways, I did mention that work has been going on in the dark didn't I?
Well what's been done is we've gotten the Basilisk ingame albeit without any of it's fancy animations we've made (two guardsmen crewing it, doing crew stuff), ran into a snag when we tried to export it so we had to remove the crew for now until we can purge the filth that is keeping us from doing the Emperor proud.
We also decided to throw in a screenshot of the new improved normal map on the chimera treads.
Also we should have some space marine related news along with some more shots of the basilisk coming up in a couple of days..
So until then, enjoy these screenshots, Emperor Protects.

News Update - 080317
Well Well, If it isn't me again.. and this time around im not checking in to make any threats of impending doom, no no, not this time, im here to enlighten your heretical souls! Open your eyes to the Emperor and embrace his glory for it is truly a brilliant thing!
The most trustworthy weapon of war the Imperium has in it's arsenal, the Chimera troop transport.
Stay tuned for more to come.. sooner or later..

Keep in mind that the normal maps on the treads have been fixed since the making of those screenshots, and any screenshots featuring the Chimera in the future will have the new tread normals.
Emperor Protects.
News Update - 080125
Alright, christmas and all the running about is over, yet progress is dwindling for the moment, but we do have one item to show you all, one of the Imperiums vast multitude of different warfactories, the Manufactorum.

News Update - 071224
Merry Christmas everybody!
We are finally ready to show what we've been working in what seems like forever since the last time we posted. The Imperial Guardsmen and the Necron Warrior are both now fully ingame.
Imperial Guardsmen:

Necron Warrior:

December 24, 2007 by Torn |