News Update - 101107
First off I'd like to apologise for not posting any news since the release.
Basically since the release of 0.1 I've pretty much fixed most of the obvious coding bugs that I've listed on the forums.
I've still got to sort out some of the cosmetic bugs such as opening doors and chimney smoke fx.

When all of that's done I'm not sure if I should make a missile launcher team or perhaps a Leman Russ, but I'm leaning toward the launcher team,
feel free to post any ideas on the forum as it's a bit quiet these days. After that I'm gonna start on the Chaos faction, I've already got one building
modelled and I've got a good idea of what vehicles they should get in order to counter the Imperial Guard. Their infantry will probably be pretty easy
to do since I can just use the Guardsmen and chaosify them,
add a little blood here sprinkle some unholy icons there.

Oh and hope you like the new website look, it's the new site for both Only War 1 and 2 now. Anyways, until next time!

Emperor Protects.
November 7, 2010 by Boomerang Python

Boomer's Log - 2010-07-05
Right, I've decided I'm gonna release the first Alpha of the mod as is, not gonna tamper any more with it,
so within the next few days there will be a Only War 2 Alpha 0.1 uploaded to the site and made available to the public.

However, keep in mind that it will be reaaaaaaaally buggy and all kinds of glitchy. So if anyone does take it for a spin, remember to
post everything you encounter in the bug reports section of the forum: Bug Report

I'll post another one of these devlogs when I've uploaded the bugfest to the ftp.

Emperor Protects.
July 5, 2010 by Boomerang Python

Boomer's Log - 2010-02-24
I'm currently working on a simple map for the mod without any tiberium in it, but It might be a bit on the tiny side..

I've sort of balanced out the units and buildings now, however, these will require some testing obviously..

After I've finished this map I'll probably sort out a few cameos and I think that's about it before I can release a first beta version to the public.

Emperor Protects.
February 24, 2010 by Boomerang Python

News Update - 090927
Good day, ladies and gentlemen.

You thought we were dead again didn't ya? To be honest I thought so myself for a while there, and when I say we I mean the mod, and when I say the mod, I mean the mod team, and when I say the mod team... uh I mean me? It's been a slow year, as you may have noticed, not much has been going on since the dawn of 2009, but from time to time I've been doing some random work (Only in death does duty end :P).

I've decided to 'reboot' the mod, so I started by just recoding the mod from scratch, even though I had no idea how to code cnc3, but it's coming along fine, ran into a few bumps and stuff but most of it got solved. Currently working on coding in the blasted Basilisk animations that I just cant seem to get working for some reason, also at the same time trying to make it able to deploy with a button press. I've also had big issues trying to do something as simple as add resource generation to a building.

With this reboot I've decided to scrap Necrons as a playable faction because they're just too damn slow and the CnC3 maps are just too damn large and open for them to really work (seeing as they're slow as um well a bloody turtle or something). And instead of Necrons we'll have Traitor guard/Chaos who are much more exciting, and to be fair, easier to balance and easier to play around with.

You will probably see an increase in activity as the end of the year gets closer, for now, have a look at this wip screenshot of an Imperial Guard base (ignore the tiberium, commandbar and crazy hellhound :P), second up are some civilian props and random imperial stuff taken in worldbuilder (hence the freaky shadows... i hope), the third pic is a wip sneak peek at a traitor guard hellhound tank which I'll probably name a Cerberus tank (color scheme is temporary).

Until the next update,
Emperor Protects.

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September 27, 2009 by Boomerang Python

News Update - 081223
People of the Internet! Hear ye! Hear ye!

Have no fear! We've managed to fight off the mighty hordes of video-game insanities that has
been crashing into the walls of our fair fortress of spare time and modding hours!

The last 4 months have been mad on the amazing game release side.. or at least it has been for me as the mad gamer i am
(and probably most modders with me) so work has been basically standing still but I've started work on a Shrine (name not yet decided)
for the Imperial Guard which will act as their basic source of income.

Also Only War 2 is now basically a One man show starring me (come to think about it, that's really how it's been all along..)
not counting the coding that was done a couple months ago by Torn.

Still, there's something for you to see and drool over until the shrine is done and I get on to the 2d bits (commandbars and such)
that need doing, the first pictures are some images we never uploaded of the now properly working
firing effect for the Hellhound, second is the.. well.. pretty self explanatory some more civ props I did a
couple months ago, and lastly there's the Marauder Bomber which we will be using as a Special Power and civilian prop
(and eventually most likely as a controllable air unit).

Until next time, whenever that may be,
Emperor Protects.

Oh, and a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all!

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December 23, 2008 by Boomerang Python

News Update - 080823
Yep, it's that time of the month now, news update time.

I've done loads of skinning, so we've got a bunch of things to show you this month,
the months to come might be less visually beautiful in the new model department but
we'll see what we can manage, we will likely be showing some more civilian props that will be
in the map Cal is making right now.

At the moment I'm at hard work making new animations for the Basilisk since the
original ones were completely psycho. (you have to agree that's a pretty damn good reason)
And they should be done in a couple of days.

That makes the Imperial Guard basically done, in the model/texture department anyway
but they still need hulks and craploads of 2D stuff sorted like a command bar and cameos.

Still can't tell you a certain date we'll be releasing our first uber-alpha version, but we're still
getting there, slowly but surely. :p

For now, enjoy these screenshots of the ingame Departmento Munitorum, Hellhound and
Grenade Launcher guardsman.

Until next time,
Emperor Protects.

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August 23, 2008 by Boomerang Python

News Update - 080727
Yo peeps, We're back with another update today but not a very significant one
however it has some niceness to it, the Armamentorium which would be the
Imperial Guard Barracks. As you can see I've gone for a basic bunker kind of
look so no windows or anything, after all they are keeping all sorts of explosives
in there.. I've also tried to keep the look similar to that of the Armamentorium
from OW1 (which i also tried to do with the Manufactorum), oh and yes the
door is supposed to be that gigantic.

I've now started texturing the Departmento Munitorum which is the
Imperial Guard Command Center, it should be done pretty soon actually..

Also we have decided that we will be releasing a first super-alpha build of
Only War 2 that will only contain Imperial Guard (so you'll have to imagine
your enemy as a heretic commander ;)), a unique resource system and probably
some custom map(s) and other things not yet decided..

We can't tell when but we're getting there.. Imperial Guard is basically done and
just needs some polishing once the buildings are done.

Until next time,
Emperor Protects.

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July 27, 2008 by Boomerang Python

News Update - 080317
Well Well, If it isn't me again.. and this time around im not checking in to make any threats of impending doom, no no,
not this time, im here to enlighten your heretical souls! Open your eyes to the Emperor and embrace his glory for it is truly a brilliant thing!


The most trustworthy weapon of war the Imperium has in it's arsenal, the Chimera troop transport.

Stay tuned for more to come.. sooner or later..

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Keep in mind that the normal maps on the treads have been fixed since the making of those screenshots, and any
screenshots featuring the Chimera in the future will have the new tread normals.

Emperor Protects.
March 17, 2008 by Boomerang Python

News Update - 071224
Merry Christmas everybody!

We are finally ready to show what we've been working in what seems like forever since the last time we posted. The Imperial Guardsmen and the Necron Warrior are both now fully ingame.

Imperial Guardsmen:
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Necron Warrior:
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December 24, 2007 by Torn

News Update - 070902
The Necron Wraith is now ingame, with fully functioning normal maps.

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September 2, 2007 by Torn

